Many thank yous and top regatta results are available here, in the Regatta edition of the Spinsheet.
All things regatta. See you on the bay!
Week VII
Week VI
Read it Here!
All of the news that's fit to print :)
Week IV Spinsheet
From the July 4th parade to this evening's Commodore's Cocktails - life at CYC is very busy!
Your latest Spinsheet is now available.
Join us for the Opening meeting, TOMORROW, July 1st @ 3PM.
July 4th Parade, Races and Strawberry Shortcake details included.
Friends of Pleasant Bay also invite you to attend their annual meeting.
Week II
Sailing School begins on Monday and CYC officially begins our 102nd season sailing on Pleasant Bay.
Find Week I spinsheet here:
Your 2023 Pre-Season Spinsheet is hot off the presses!
Read it here
It has been a glorious season! Read about our award recipients and campaign updates. Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
Chatham Yacht Club | P.O. Box 531 | North Chatham, MA 02650
CYC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Your donations are tax deductible!