Chatham Yacht Club

Teaching Love of Sailing on Pleasant Bay Since 1921


Summer 2024

Join Us!


Saturday, June 29th

3 PM


Monday, June 24th

We are working on our website to mprove viewing from mobile devices and are aware it's challenging!  For best experience, try using a screen other than a cell phone.  We have also added a 'site map' to the home page to help you navigate.

Spinsheet - June 21, 2024

We hope you’re excited for the 103rd season of Chatham Yacht Club!  A big thank you to the CYC staff and volunteers who have been working very hard this week to open the Clubhouse, get the CYC fleet ready, and ensure the grounds are in good shape.  

This Monday June 24th is the official start of the CYC season and in this Spinsheet are a lot of important updates that you’ll want to note to be prepared.  A few highlights:

Sailing School: The CYC Sailing School starts MONDAY so, if you haven’t completed a medical form for your child, please do so!  Please jump to the Sailing School section for more information on what to bring, parking schedules and parking procedures. 

Volunteers: CYC runs on volunteerism and we are in need of volunteers this year across multiple areas, including patrolling the CYC races, serving as a parent-on-duty at the Sailing School, and assisting with the annual CYC Regatta. Learn more in the Volunteer section. 

Membership: We are seeking current members to serve as “mentors” to some fantastic new CYC families so please let us know if you’re interested!

Racing: We are continuing our traditional CYC racing schedule - the first race takes place on Tuesday! Please see below for more details.

Please mark your calendars for this week's activities:


June 27th : New Member Coffee/ Sailing School Open House (9:30 AM)

June 28th : New Member Coffee/ Sailing School Open House (9:30 AM)

June 29th: 1st Saturday Race 1300 and OPENING MEETING 1500

There’s plenty more to read about including upcoming Social events, the summer Club calendar, and other topics. We look forward to seeing you at CYC and on the water soon!

Tracy Dart, Commodore                                                                                                                                           TOP

PS - you can start ordering your 2024 regatta gear NOW! See the CYC Gear page or section below 


First Day of Sailing School

    June 24th, 2024

Welcome to or welcome back to CYC! The staff has been working hard this past week to get everything ready, and we are so excited to get the summer started! A few reminders before we begin:

  • Please be safe walking over the hill. Follow the crossing guards and always look both ways.
  • All sailors need life jackets, closed-toed shoes, sunscreen, a water bottle, and a snack if hungry!
  • Sailing school is held rain or shine with very small exceptions. Unless notified, sailing school is on!

Our morning classes run from 9:00-12:00 on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. On Wednesday and Thursday we have our sailing school races, so please pack a lunch and stop by if you want to watch. Classes will end at 1:30 pm on those days. Please allow for some variability in our pick-up times. The sailors are responsible for putting away their own boats, so classes can run a little longer sometimes. 

Please reach out to me or your child’s instructor if you have any questions.

Let’s go sailing!


If you have a child who will be in sailing school for the FIRST TIME, please fill out a medical form (link below). This includes both new families and younger siblings. If you have a returning child, we will keep the old one so you do not need to fill it out again. 

Medical Forms     

Please see the  Sailing School  page for detailed information on:

Parking and Drop-Off Guidelines

What to Bring to Sailing School

Weekly Schedule     

CYC Sailing School Intructors



Do you watch others sail and wish you could join them? CYC offers Adult Sailing classes both for beginners and for those who want to learn how to race. Join Adult Sailing on Monday afternoons and/or Saturday mornings. It is a great way to get to know other members better and to get out on the water. Monday classes are taught by other adults while Saturday classes are taught by our junior instructors. People are welcome to sign up for either or both if they would like extra practice. Registration is now active on the website. Inquire about child (or pet) care options available during Monday classes again this summer.

Questions? Please contact GwenShipley (



Racing at CYC - Summer 2024 - The First Race is Tuesday, June 25

Happy summer to everyone!  

Welcome back to some of the most active one-design racing in the United States. Sailors compete each week for pennants, and their performance over the entire summer can lead to their winning the season series (and adding their name to one of our trophies). You do not have to own a sailboat or motor boat to participate. Often sailors and patrol boaters need people to crew with them. Students in the Sailing School can ask the instructors if they have interest. The CYC Season Series document contains the key information that you need, but here is a summary of the main points.

The CYC Season Series document contains the key information that you need which will be posted on the website soon.  In the meantime, following is a summary of the main points.

On Tuesdays, we begin racing at 1:00pm and run starts for 420s, Sunfish, Optimists, and Beetle Cats.  We run two starts for each class with each start being a different season series. The second Beetle Cat start is our Women's Series.   

Even if you do not have one of these boats, you are welcome to come watch, help patrol, or help run the races.

On Wednesdays, the Sailing School race for that day's students begins approximately at 12:30pm.  The Junior Races – open to any CYC sailor - in which all skippers must be under the age of 16 – begin at 2:00pm with starts for 420s, Sunfish, Optimists, and Beetle Cats.  

NOTE: We will have someone at the July 10 races to help explain to the spectators how the races are run.

On Thursdays, the Sailing School race for that day's students begins approximately at 12:30pm.  Family members are welcome to come watch all these races!

NOTE: We will have someone at the July 11 races to help explain to the spectators how the races are run.

The Saturday schedule has been modified for this year - reflecting the members desire to have two races but to not be at CYC too long. Just like Tuesdays, we begin racing at 1 pm and will run a second race immediately following the first. Both races will count for the same Saturday series.

We also plan to have a series for the Adult Beginner class as a C-14 Green Fleet.

Because we are running two races, we will NOT try to make up any races that are cancelled due to weather or other factors. On the first and last Saturday of the season we will only run one race because of the opening and closing meetings.  

On Saturdays, we run starts for C-14s, Lasers, 420s, Sunfish, Optimists, and Beetle Cats. We also plan to have a series for the Adult Beginner class as a C-14 Green Fleet.

 The Sailing Instructions will be posted them on the website (and shared in a Spin Sheet) as soon as they have been updated.Please reach out to us with any questions!

Ted Dickson


New Members! 

Welcome aboard!!

Please see the membership directory for more details. 

Dana and Peter Agnes

Summer Address: North Chatham

Winter City: Weston, MA

Ace (14), Kaden (16), and Will (16) will be in Helmsman

Molly and Matthew Bechtel

Summer Address: Chatham

Winter City: Wellesley, MA

Caroline (7) will be in Crew class.

Jean Claflin

Summer Address:  Harwich

Winter City: Lynnfield, MA

Jean is a long-time sailor and will be racing her Sunfish at CYC.

Michele and Bruce Clifford

Year-Round Address: Chatham

Bruce and Michele are looking forward to volunteering and connecting with CYC members.

Matthew Coursen

Summer Address: North Chatham

Winter City: Bethesda, MD

Matthew has two children who may participate in sailing school in the future.

Neal Donovan

Year-Round Address: Harwich, MA

Neal is renewing his CYC membership and hopes to get back to racing again.

Catherine Flattmann

Summer Address: Chatham

Winter City: New York, NY

Daisy (14) will be in Helmsman.

Allison and Peter Hughan

Summer Address:S. Yarmouth

Winter City: Norwell, MA

John (13) will be in Helmsman.

Elizabeth and Joseph McKneely

Summer Address: Chatham

Winter City: Concord, MA

Jack (8) and Evie (8) will be in Crew class.

Dana and Blake Murphy

Summer Address: Chatham, MA

Winter City: Hingham, MA

Connor (7) will be in Crew class.

Courtney and Aaron Polhemus

Summer Address: E. Orleans

Winter City: Stowe VT

Katherine (10) will be in Sunfish and Will (7) will be in Crew class.

Alison and Tom Samph

Year-Round Address: Chatham MA

Tom and Alison are long-time sailors and would like to get back into racing.

Allison and Vaughn Schill

Summer Address: Chatham

Winter City: Radnor, PA

Mason (11) may sail with CYC in the future.

Marisa Wechsler

Summer Address: Chatham

Winter City: Chevy Chase, MD

Kai (7) will be in Crew class.




June 27th : New Member Coffee/ Sailing School Open House (9:30 AM)

June 28th : New Member Coffee/ Sailing School Open House (9:30 AM)

June 29th: 1st Saturday Race 1300 and OPENING MEETING 1500

July 1st: Optimist Race Team & 420 Race Team Parent Meetings (12:00 PM)

July 4th : Chatham Indpendence Day Parade/ 4th of July Race (2:00 PM) / Strawberry Shortcake Social (4:00 PM)

July 12th : Commodore’s Cocktails (6:00 PM)

July 17th: Mid Summer Luncheon

July 19th: Sailing School Picnic (5:30 PM)

July 21st: CYC Beach Day

July 23: Ladies Beach Happy Hour (tentative)

July 29th : CYC Evening Sail & Raft-Up (tentative) (6:00 PM)

August (DATE TBD): CYC Sailing School Karaoke Night (5:30 PM)

August 2nd : CYC Regatta Dinner & Gala

August 3th & 4th : CYC Regatta

August 11th : CYC Beach Day

August 16th : Last Hurrah Cocktails (6:00 PM)

August 17th Closing Meeting & Awards (3:00 PM)

August 18th: Clubhouse Closing

The CYC Social Committee is ecstatic about the 2024 season & all the wonderful, fun-filled events for our families. We rely on volunteers to make all these events happen, so please consider helping out! You can sign up for most of these events on the CYC website, but please contact us with any questions! Looking forward to seeing everyone and having another amazing summer with our CYC family!!

Jennifer Gilmartin ( &

Amber Caggiano (

Chatham Yacht Club Membership Committee is looking for individuals, couples, and families who would be interested in mentoring new families this summer! This is a fun way to get involved and help make our newest members feel welcome. If you can help, please email Thank you!



We need your help.

In order to keep children safe, the costs affordable as well as maintain the community culture of Chatham Yacht Club, CYC relies on ALL members to volunteer in order to get everything done. This also a great way to get to know old and new CYC members.

Thank you to those who have volunteered this season already! 

Members with sailing school participants should sign up for at least one Parent on Duty slot  per child enrolled in Sailing School, two race day slots (refreshments, patrol, dock committee, or race scoring), and at least one Regatta donation and one social slot per child in Sailing School.

The volunteer scheduling program called Volunteer Scheduler Pro allows for volunteers to easily sign up, find substitutes and receive reminders!

Begin by enrolling to volunteer HERE

Make sure to select all Jobs you qualify for (ie, parent on duty, race patrol, regatta, etc or you may not see all the appropriate sign up slots)

A quick tutorial on Volunteer Scheduler Pro is available HERE

The mobile app is available on the app store. Questions can be directed to Alicia Downs at 917-623-3819 or Sarah Lipson 646-283-4209.


MANY THANKS to Anne Sampson for graciously hosting us at her beautiful home and letting us share in the spectacular views from her special setting.  A big shout out to Amber Caggiano for making the arrangements and ensuring a fun and fabulous kickoff!  Merci!

Scenes From our Kickoff Luncheon. 

CYC is hosting the Day Sailer North American Championships in July!

Day Sailer Fleet 34 Chatham YC, Fleet 15 Orleans YC, Fleet 18 Stage Harbor YC, and Pleasant Bay Community Boating will be hosting the Day Sailer North American Championships July 22-27 on Pleasant Bay on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. This will be the 4th DSNACs hosted on this beautiful body of water – we previously hosted very successful regattas in 1979, 1985, and 2015.

Boats will be weighed and measured at Monomoy Middle School, launched at Ryder’s Cove and towed to CYC on Monday, July 22 and Tuesday, July 23. The Junior Championship will be sailed on Wednesday, July 24 (for this event Junior means the skipper and is defined as 26 and under). The actual Championship regatta will be sailed July 25 - July 27 (finishing at lunch on the 27th).

This event is being planned to have a minimal impact on CYC’s daily schedule. Most of the CYC volunteers helping to run the event will be families who own Day Sailers. We would welcome anyone else who would like to help with breakfast or lunch or weighing and measuring, or towing, or patrolling, or ferrying sailors to and from their boats, etc. Please contact Ted Dickson if you would like to help on or off the water.

Calling all Beetle Cat sailors!

Mark your calendars for Saturday and Sunday, August 10 & 11, 2024, as our neighbor Wianno Yacht Club (Osterville, MA) is hosting the annual Leo J. Telesmanick Championship this summer. This is a great way to connect with other Beetle Cat sailors in the New England region. Launching is easy (right at the club), moorings are available (also at the club) and trailer storage is a stone's throw away. Saturday evening NEBCBA (New England Beetle Cat Boat Association) will hold its annual meeting, followed by a clambake dinner. For further questions, please contact Cathy Taylor @

CYC sailing programs begin the week of June 24th, 2023.   I look forward to seeing you all on “our” Bay!

Cathy Taylor


Getting your boat to CYC:

No boats or sailboards may be carried over the hill to be launched at CYC.

Launching may take place at Jack Knife Harbor, the Town Landing on Crow's Pond, Ryder's Cove or in Round Cove. Please pay attention to any permitting needs for launching any boat.

Transportation of 420s and Optis over the hill for the purpose of attending regattas during the summer may occur ONLY before sunrise and after sunset per our lease with Eastward Ho! (If you have purchased an Opti for your sailor and are depositing or removing your Opti for the season, these same Eastward Ho! requirements apply.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!



Happy nearly summer from the CYC Gear Shop! The CYC clubhouse honor shop, featuring CYC accessories, will open the first day of sailing school, and will be open each day this summer during sailing school hours. We're excited to bring back CYC favorites, including the CYC line of Smathers & Branson accessories, in addition to new items: acrylic CYC car burgees, ramblers, sports bags, new water bottles, lunch totes, and more. As always, you can visit our online CYC shops yearound to shop for custom CYC apparel (including new CYC sweatpants and visors) at Eliza B and Team One Newport.


For the full collection of CYC apparel—including classic polos, tech tees, tech polos, sweatshirts, fleeces, quarter zips, hats, visors, sandals as well as outdoor Patagonia and Helly Hansen apparel—be sure to visit the online CYC club stores (open year-round) at Team One Newport and Eliza B Leather Man. The direct links to these CYC club stores are available on the CYC website’s gear page.

For any questions, feel free to reach CYC parent and gear volunteer Liz Kintz at                                                        Top

CYC 2024 Regatta Gear is now available for pre-order!


CYC Parking

The parking lot configuration allows for multi-directional Fox Hill Road access from three points as illustrated in the diagram below. It is essential that all CYC traffic use the third entrance on Fox Hill road to minimize the access traffic and pedestrian hazards in the other parts of the parking area.

The added parking has improved parking but we, EHCC and CYC, need to continue to optimize on the available parking with the following actions;

Sailing School morning classes

CYC instructors will be available to help students to and from the CYC club house so parents can enjoy the convenience of “drop and go” noted by the yellow cross-hash area. Before 11:30 am, parking may be available on a first-come, first-serve basis in the designated area, highlighted in green box, for parents to bring their children to classes, meet the instructors and fellow parents. Please be aware this area is not exclusive to CYC but shared with EHCC. If there is a shortage of parking spaces in the designated area, please park on the shoulder of Fox Hill Rd. “Pickup and go” will also be available for your convenience at the conclusion of morning classes at the Pick-up spot shown in the diagram. This is a safer and shaded location where our students can be ready for pick-up.


Parking begins to get busy around 11:30 when Eastward Ho! Lunch service begins. After 11:30, We ask that CYC members park on the Fox Hill road shoulder during lunch if the north lot is busy.

Afternoon classes and races

Due to the limited amount of parking spaces, Parents are encouraged to enjoy the convenience of “drop and go” where appropriate for the children. Parents who would like to see your kids in action during the afternoon races can check for available parking spots in the designated (green) area after 2 PM. If there is a shortage of parking spaces at any time, please park on the shoulder of Fox Hill Rd.

Eastward Ho! will have parking lot attendants available to assist with traffic flow and direct CYC members to the designated (green) area. Please don’t hesitate to speak with them if you have any questions or need assistance.

As always, safety is paramount as we balance convenience and consideration for a shared parking resource with our friends at Eastward Ho!

Thank you for your cooperation as we begin a new exciting season at CYC!

Courtesy and Safety on the Golf Course

An average golf ball leaves the tee traveling 115 mph or more, and our path to CYC takes us right in front of the first tee. Adults and children need to take care as they cross in front.  Eastward Ho! has provided a fence to protect us.  CYC members should stop at the edge of the fence, look and assess the situation.  Always wait while golfers are teeing off, but if the golfers are waiting, they may signal it is safe to cross. Be aware as you approach the ninth green as well, since it is just beyond our path.

Eastward Ho! and CYC have a great working relationship, but it depends on CYC members being courteous to and respectful of the golfers.  Please wear shirts and shoes when crossing the hill, and do not use your cell phone.  It is best to be quiet when golfers are on the 9th green.  You may stop and wait, or move quietly by, but try not to distract those focusing on their putts.


CYC Classifieds

If you have an item you wish to list, please send pertinent details to

CYC Scuttlebutt

News, gossip, famous alumni accomplishments?  Please send any submissions to


Chatham Yacht Club | P.O. Box 531 | North Chatham, MA 02650

CYC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Your donations are tax deductible!

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