The Saturday schedule has been modified for this year - reflecting the members desire to have two races but to not be at CYC too long. Just like Tuesdays, we begin racing at 1 pm and will run a second race immediately following the first. Both races will count for the same Saturday series. Because we are running two races, we will NOT try to make up any races that are canceled due to weather (etc.).
On the first and last Saturday of the season we will only run one race because of the opening and closing meetings.
On Saturdays, we run starts for C-14s, Lasers, 420s, Sunfish, Optimists, and Beetle Cats. We also plan to have a series for the Adult Beginner class as a C-14 Green Fleet.
Chatham Yacht Club | P.O. Box 531 | North Chatham, MA 02650
CYC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Your donations are tax deductible!